Is Trump Really Headed To War With Iran?

John Dale Grover, National Interest: Is Trump Really Headed to War With Iran? Here is What Two Experts Think

Kenneth Pollack and Paul Pillar discuss Iran and the Trump administration strategy at a CFTNI event.

America’s policy of maximum pressure on Iran continues, with the U.S. Department of the Treasury announcing new sanctions on eight Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) Commanders. That directive was tweeted during a luncheon event on Iran at the Center for the National Interest, which was moderated by Geoffrey Kemp, the Senior Director of Regional Security Programs at CFTNI who also served in the White House during the first Reagan administration as Special Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs and Senior Director for Near East and South Asian Affairs on the National Security Council Staff. The discussion focused on the ongoing crisis, Iran and America’s interests, and whether war could be avoided.

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WNU Editor: I do not believe President Trump wants a war with Iran. I also believe that many in the Iranian regime do not want a war with the U.S.. And while the focus is on redoing the Iranian nuclear deal and U.S. sanctions, the real problem in the Middle East is the Iran-Saudi/Sunni-Shiite/Islamic extremism/regional disputes and conflicts that have been ongoing for generations. The Middle East already sucked-in the U.S. to fight wars against Iraq, will it now suck-in the U.S. to fight a war against Iran? I hope not. But sometimes events spiral out of control, as it almost did last week when two oil tankers were attacked and a U.S. drone was shot down by Iran.

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Is Trump Really Headed To War With Iran? Is Trump Really Headed To War With Iran? Reviewed by crazy on 6:06 PM Rating: 5

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