Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- November 27, 2019

Avangard missile system. © Russian Defense Ministry's press service/TASS

Newsweek: U.S. Inspectors Watch Russia Show Off Hypersonic Nuclear Missile Putin Says Will Defeat Any American Defenses

The Russian military has allowed U.S. officials to inspect a hypersonic nuclear missile that Moscow claims can evade any American military defenses.

According to Interfax, U.S. inspectors traveled to Russia this week on a two-day visit to see the weapon as part of the New START bilateral nuclear arms control treaty, which is set to expire in 2021.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has said his forces would be ready to deploy the hypersonic Avangard missile by the end of 2019. It is one of a host of futuristic weapons announced by Putin in 2018, as he sought to advertise Russia's supposedly growing military prowess.

Putin said the Avangard can fly at 20 times the speed of sound—or about 1 mile per second—thus defeating any existing missile defense systems. Russia's military also released footage of the weapon being fired from a silo in a test launch.

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Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- November 27, 2019

Russia demonstrates Avangard hypersonic missile system to US -- TASS

Russian military shows new hypersonic nuclear missile -- UPI

Avangard missile demonstration to US part of process to include it in New START expert -- TASS

Russia launches secret military surveillance satellite to 'monitor' other satellites -- FOX News

NORTHCOM commander says US needs Arctic early warning system -- Military Times

Dead: The U.S. Army's Newest Sniper Rifle Will Pick You Off at 1968 Feet -- National Interest

Boeing, NATO to announce $1B contract for AWACS upgrades -- UPI

Lockheed awarded $1.2B for F-35As for U.S. Air Force, Australia -- UPI

Lincoln pulls into Bahrain for a port visit -- Navy Times

Fallen Raider was killed by enemy fire, not friendly forces, CENTCOM says -- Marine Times

US Senator Kaine threatens Senate intervention if no briefing given on Saudi Arabia troop increase -- The Hill

State Department looking into reports US weapons ended up in wrong hands in Yemen -- The Hill

The U.S. Army Expects to Field Cyborg Soldiers by 2050 -- Popular Mechanics

The US Navy Needs Offensive Undersea Drones -- Defense One

The US Defense Department lost $875 million to scams involving shell companies -- Quartz

President Trump's New Navy Secretary Pick is a Combat Vet Who Tracked Soviet Subs --

Meet Kenneth Braithwaite, pick for Navy secretary, and staunch Trump ally -- Defense News

Senators challenge Trump on military pardons -- The Hill

Trump says he stood up to the 'deep state' by intervening in war crime cases -- The Hill

Why NATO Is Stronger Than Ever -- National Interest

Poland could buy Swedish submarines to update its Kobben-class fleet -- Defense News

Merkel vows to hit 2% NATO spending target 'by early 2030s' -- DW

Germany’s Merkel says it’s essential to preserve NATO -- AP

Angela Merkel calls for weapons exports to Africa -- DW

Netanyahu Hints Mossad Intelligence Sharing With London Could End if Corbyn Elected -- Sputnik

Study: British forces would be 'outgunned', defeated by Russia -- UPI

Russian Black Sea Fleet warships make over 50 calls at foreign ports over year -- TASS

Russia creates killer drones to fight enemy UAVs -- TASS

China, Russia and South Africa team up for first joint naval drill -- SCMP

India Opts for Advanced Akash Prime Missile to 'Protect' Its Airspace From China, Pakistan -- Sputnik

Israeli industry foresees growth in Europe — if it can face off against foreign defense giants -- Defense News

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Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- November 27, 2019 Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- November 27, 2019 Reviewed by crazy on 11:56 AM Rating: 5

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