Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- March 5, 2020

Tom Rogan, Washington Examiner: In Moscow, Erdogan kneels to Putin

Even by Vladimir Putin's standards for embarrassing his foreign counterparts, his treatment of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Thursday was a spectacle — and not a good one for the Turkish president.

Meeting Putin in the aftermath of a recent Syrian airstrike, which killed 34 Turkish soldiers, Erdogan might have been expected to take a tough stance with the Russian leader. Or at least a harder line than his submissiveness of past.

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Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- March 5, 2020

As Erdogan licks wounds over Idlib, Putin wins again -- Omer Taspinar, Asia Times

Pompeo’s Turkish Gambit Fails in Syria -- Matthew Petti, National Interest

Virus ripples through travel, energy, financial markets -- AP

Thailand caught in a destabilizing viral spiral -- Shawn W. Crispin, Asia Times

OPEC calls for big production cut, but will Russia agree? -- AP

AP Explains: Why Syria’s M5 is Assad’s highway to victory -- Zeina Karam, AP

Palestinian voters are the new power brokers in Israel, much to Netanyahu’s chagrin -- Yair Wallach, The Guardian

Libyans Deserve Peace. They Need Help to Achieve It. -- Taher El-Sonni, RCW

Macron, Merkel and the battle for the future of Europe -- Guardian podcast

Political spring cleaning in Ukraine -- Bohdan Nahaylo, Kyiv Post

US has opened door to Taliban rule in Afghanistan -- Faisal Al Yafai, Asia Times

Taliban 'peace deal' fraught with danger and begs question – who will police the world? -- Cal Thomas, FOX News/Tribune Media Services

Joe Biden is surging but his campaign has one weak spot: Joe Biden himself -- Cas Mudde, The Guardian

Downplaying virus could lose Trump the election -- David P. Goldman, Asia Times

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Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- March 5, 2020 Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- March 5, 2020 Reviewed by crazy on 5:50 PM Rating: 5

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