How Will The US And NATO Monitor The $4B It Gives to the Afghan Military Every Year When They Leave After August 31?

In this July 17, 2021 file photo, masked Afghan Army Special Forces attend their graduation ceremony after a three-month training program at the Kabul Military Training Center, in Kabul, Afghanistan. (AP Photo/Rahmat Gul) US Pays $4B to Afghan Forces; Who Is Watching? 

ISLAMABAD — The U.S. and NATO have promised to pay $4 billion a year until 2024 to finance Afghanistan’s military and security forces, which are struggling to contain an advancing Taliban. Already, the U.S. has spent nearly $89 billion over the past 20 years to build, equip and train Afghan forces. 

Yet America’s own government watchdog says oversight of the money has been poor, hundreds of millions of dollars have been misspent and corruption is rife in the security apparatus. 

Monitoring where the future funding goes will become virtually impossible after Aug. 31, when the last coalition troops leave. Here is a look at some of the issues:  

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How Will The US And NATO Monitor The $4B It Gives to the Afghan Military Every Year When They Leave After August 31? How Will The US And NATO Monitor The $4B It Gives to the Afghan Military Every Year When They Leave After August 31? Reviewed by crazy on 10:00 PM Rating: 5

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