Is This The US Navy's Ultimate Weapon?


National Interest: Has the U.S. Navy Created Its Ultimate Weapon?

The future of amphibious assaults lies with drones and unmanned vehicles guided by the "Mother Ship."

Key Point: The Navy's new technology based strategy will save many servicemen's lives.

The future of amphibious attack may consist of thousands of disaggregated manned and unmanned surveillance boats, armor-carrying connectors, minesweepers and small attack vessels operating in tandem as the Navy and Marine Corps refine a new strategic approach and continue their pivot toward a new, great-power threat environment.

The concept is to configure a dispersed, yet “networked” fleet of next-generation connectors and other smaller boats launched from big-deck amphib “mother ships.” The larger host ships are intended to operate in a command and control capacity while bringing sensors, long-range fires and 5th-generation air support to the fight.

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WNU Editor: The age of amphibious assaults is definitely changing, to drones and unmanned vehicles with incredible fire-power.

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Is This The US Navy's Ultimate Weapon? Is This The US Navy's Ultimate Weapon? Reviewed by crazy on 7:35 AM Rating: 5

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