What Is Next In The House Impeachment Inquiry?

VOX: What’s next in the House impeachment inquiry

A marathon week of impeachment hearings has ended. Here’s what could come next.

On Thursday, the US House wrapped up a marathon week of public hearings for its impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump. With lawmakers headed home for Thanksgiving break, the question on everyone’s minds is “what comes next?”

In its rough form, what’s next is that the House Intelligence Committee and Chair Adam Schiff (D-CA) will compile and submit a report of its investigation to the House Judiciary Committee. The Judiciary Committee hasn’t had jurisdiction on the narrow Ukraine-focused impeachment investigation, but it’s the body that will decide whether or not to draft articles of impeachment — the “charges” against Trump.

There are no more public hearings on the schedule for now. Of course, this could change if someone else with valuable testimony comes forward. But some Democrats don’t want to wait long for a star witness like former National Security Adviser John Bolton — who has said he won’t testify unless compelled by a court.

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WNU Editor: If you want to impeach the US President you will need more than what I have seen so far. But that is not going to stop the Democrats and their supporters to bring forward articles of impeachment where it will be voted upon and passed along party lines. After the US House has voted on impeachment, it will go to the US Senate where it will then run the show. Apparently President Trump wants a trial .... Donald Trump wants an impeachment trial so he can be CLEARED to 'get it over and done with' and meets Republican senators as they plot two-week trial as House Intel Committee's hearings end after days of bombshells (Daily Mail). I say why? Why do you want a trial? Most people have already made their minds up on impeachment, and it is in the President's favour .... Epic fail: Most now oppose impeachment as Trump approval turns positive, 48% to 47% (Washington Examiner).

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What Is Next In The House Impeachment Inquiry? What Is Next In The House Impeachment Inquiry? Reviewed by crazy on 12:31 PM Rating: 5

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