More Details Emerge On How President Trump Flew To Afghanistan And Back On His Thanksgiving Trip

Armed U.S. troops travel inside the presidential motorcade ahead of Air Force One, at the tarmac at Bagram Air Field during a surprise visit by U.S. President Donald Trump at Bagram Air Base in Afghanistan on November 28, 2019. REUTERS/Tom Brenner

Warzone/The Drive: What Aircraft Snuck Trump Out Of Florida On His Way To Afghanistan For Thanksgiving?

We have the likely answer as well as some major questions as to how Air Force One was able to reach Afghanistan without aerial refuelling.

President Trump made his first visit to Afghanistan on Thanksgiving. Like the other surprise war zone Presidential visits on major holidays that have come before—most notable was probably President Bush's trip to Iraq in 2003—this was a clandestine affair. We know a good amount about how the Secret Service, the White House Military Office, and the Air Force executed the mission, but a few questions remain, including what aircraft snuck Trump out of Florida so that he could climb aboard one of two highly modified VC-25As that serve primarily as "Air Force One" at Andrews Air Force Base outside of Washington D.C. and head off to the land of America's "Forever War?"

Here is an account of how the mission was pulled off from CNN:

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WNU Editor: I have had more than my fair share of long distance flights in the past. But flying from Florida to Afghanistan and back again in two days .... even in the comfort of Air Force One .... that must have been a killer for all involved.

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More Details Emerge On How President Trump Flew To Afghanistan And Back On His Thanksgiving Trip More Details Emerge On How President Trump Flew To Afghanistan And Back On His Thanksgiving Trip Reviewed by crazy on 8:07 AM Rating: 5

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