Chelsea Clinton Says Under President Trump America Is Less Prepared For A Coronavirus Outbreak

Chelsea Clinton and Devi Sridhar, CNN: Under Trump, America is less prepared for a coronavirus outbreak

(CNN)The coronavirus that emerged from Wuhan, China, last year is causing alarm across the world, with fear that this could become the next pandemic. Late last month, the World Health Organization declared the virus, named COVID-19, a "Public Health Emergency of International Concern" and urged an immediate international response.

It advised its member states to put in place national preparedness plans and procedures for identifying and responding to any COVID-19 cases that might present. The death toll of more than 2,600 people far exceeds that of the SARS outbreak nearly 17 years ago.

This outbreak is terrifying for the tens of millions of people impacted in Wuhan and in countries around the world, and it arguably could not come at a worse time for Americans.

There's a famous adage in public health: "Outbreaks are inevitable; epidemics are not."

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Chelsea Clinton Says Under President Trump America Is Less Prepared For A Coronavirus Outbreak Chelsea Clinton Says Under President Trump America Is Less Prepared For A Coronavirus Outbreak Reviewed by crazy on 10:48 PM Rating: 5

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