Welcome To The New World

WNU editor with his mom at a medical clinic in Montreal

WNU Editor: My mother is participating in a clinical trial on memory. I was thinking of cancelling her appointment this morning, but she convinced me that she wanted to go. Showed up at the clinic where they first screened us for a temperature. I asked if they have turned anyone away, and they told me that they advised a patient who arrived earlier with a fever and a harsh cough to go to the hospital ER. There were only two people in the waiting room (they looked very healthy), and when they left the staff in the clinic cleaned the chairs. My mother's appointment with her doctor was quick, and we were out of the place within 20 minutes. I asked my mother's doctor on what was he is facing . He told me that he has been advised to be ready for a storm of patients in the coming weeks. He was happy to hear that we were going to isolate ourselves along with my girlfriend's daughter in my chalet in the Laurentians of Quebec until this blows over.

Some observations from Montreal. Driving to and from the clinic was surreal. The streets and highway had little if any traffic (I would say that it is down by 80%). All the people that I know who have offices with employees have closed their doors until further notice. I have not received my newspaper since Friday. The Montreal Gazette has told me that they have problems with delivery. The postman came by, so that service is still working. I am well stocked with food and supplies to last a long time. But many that I know are panicking because they are not ready both financially and with supplies to withstand this for more than 2 or 3 weeks.

Wow! While writing this post I just saw a military C-130 plane fly in front of my home on its way to (I presume) Dorval airport. I live in front of the St. Lawrence river, and the last time I saw a military aircraft fly in front of my home was right after 9/11, and it was two CF-18s flying over the Saint Lawrence seaway. Talk about ominous signs on what is happening.

I am now getting ready to leave. My plan is to leave later today after supper when traffic is non-existent. Blogging will be light for now, but when I am up north sequestered away in my isolation, I will be having the time and focus to blog continuously.

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Welcome To The New World Welcome To The New World Reviewed by crazy on 8:44 AM Rating: 5

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