Media Prepare For A Post-Trump White House

Andrew Harnik / AP 

While reelection is possible, defeat in November could lead to the media disentangling from Trump after his five-plus years of dominating headlines and cable chyrons. Still, says one editor, “I don’t think the Trump show will end either way.” 

As television news anchors bemoaned last week’s ugly presidential debate, and feared that American political discourse might have sunk to a new low, Donald Trump found reason to celebrate. “HIGHEST CABLE TELEVISION RATINGS OF ALL TIME. SECOND HIGHEST OVERALL TELEVISION RATINGS OF ALL TIME,” he boasted Wednesday, along with a warning: “Some day these Fake Media Companies are going to miss me, very badly!!!” Such a scenario—of rudderless reporters adrift in Trump-free waters—is one the president has envisioned before, telling the New York Times in 2017 that the paper would shift from “failing” to “failed” without him in the White House. “Another reason that I’m going to win another four years,” he said in his first year in office, “is because newspapers, television, all forms of media will tank if I’m not there because without me, their ratings are going down the tubes.” 

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WNU Editor:  The day the Trump Presidency ends will also be the day that the media's "gravy train" will come to an end. The above Vanity Fair article is admitting what President Trump himself has pointed out many times before .... his Presidency has been a boom for their bottom line. Will the environment for the news media be the same under a Biden Presidency .... absolutely not. For one. Access to the Biden Presidency will be severely limited .... if at all. Reporters who are covering his campaign right now are already experiencing that, where press events do not happen, and questions are always ignored. In the past such a candidate would be called out and universally condemned. Not this time. Much to the frustration of the Trump campaign. And forget about following Biden on Twitter. I follow the former Vice-President on Twitter, and it is obvious to me that he is not the one who is making his posts. It is like listening to his speeches, you can tell that a number of people were involved in writing it up. Case in point. His Gettysburg speech from yesterday .... Live: Biden Delivers Remarks in Gettysburg

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Media Prepare For A Post-Trump White House Media Prepare For A Post-Trump White House Reviewed by crazy on 7:41 AM Rating: 5

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