Russian Soldiers Fight Each Other To Earn A Crimson Beret
Volga Federal District's National Guard special forces servicemen fight each other to earn a crimson beret in the Republic of Tatarstan, southwest Russia, today
* Volga Federal District's National Guard special forces servicemen took part in the gruelling test today
* The soldiers fought each other at the Bars training ground in the Republic of Tatarstan, southwest Russia
* Elite members of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MVD) Spetsnaz units wear the beret and have to take the test
* It is split into three rounds including a run through minefields, a weapons stage, and a 12-minute fist fight
Russian soldiers have been captured slugging it out in a gruesome boxing fight as part of their qualifications for a special forces beret in a spectacular set of photos.
Volga Federal District's National Guard special forces servicemen took part in the gruelling test to earn a crimson beret today.
Striking pictures show the men battering each other's faces bloody at the Bars training ground in the Republic of Tatarstan, southwest Russia.
The soldiers also performed a series of other qualifications tests, including weapons and ammunition drills, kickboxing and obstacle courses.
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WNU Editor: Two of my cousins served years ago, and they got their Spetsnaz crimson beret. One of them gave me his beret to me as a gift which I still have at my home in Russia. I think his blood is still on it. On a side note. This same cousin read this post that I put up yesterday .... US Navy SEALs Have Adopted A Gender-Neutral Language In Their Ethos (September 30, 2020). He emailed me this morning shocked. He has trouble believing that it is true. Sighhh .... but it is.
from War News Updates
Russian Soldiers Fight Each Other To Earn A Crimson Beret
Reviewed by crazy
11:38 AM

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