This U.S. Presidential Election Will Be Decided On Who Can Get Their Base To Go Out And Vote
This debate has actually convinced some undecided voters to not vote at all.
— Frank Luntz (@FrankLuntz) September 30, 2020
I’ve never seen a debate cause this reaction. #Debates2020
Hot Air: Luntz: For first time ever, undecideds in debate focus group decided not to vote at all
Consider Frank Luntz flabbergasted. The experienced focus-group handler collected a number of undecided voters for the presidential debate, as he has in several cycles, in order to test the initial movement the event creates. Usually Luntz gets a sense that undecideds have moved toward one candidate or another, and those results are a fairly good test of instant reaction … if not lasting impact.
This time, however, the movement was less towards a candidate, and more toward the door:
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WNU Editor: I agree with the above analysis, and it is what I said after the debate .... .... So will anything change from tonight's debate. There was a side of Joe Biden that was revealed tonight that I do not think will appeal to those voters who are looking to vote for someone other than President Trump. They needed to be reassured, and Joe Biden certainly did not deliver on that tonight. I can see these voters staying home.
Update: LOL! this is so true. President Trump did to former Vice-President Biden what then Vice-Presdient Biden did to Paul Ryan in their 2012 debate (see video below).
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