China Becomes The Second Nation To Plant A Flag On The Moon


 * China's space authority published the image of the flag on the moon on Friday 
 * It was attached to spacecraft Chang'e-5 which left the lunar surface on Thursday 
 * Only America's Apollo missions have raised national flags on the moon before 
 * Rivalry in space comes amid growing tensions over Covid-19, trade and security 
 * China aims to bring lunar samples back to Earth for the first time in 40 years 

China has flown its flag on the moon in a symbolic display of its intentions to compete with the US in space, 51 years after America first planted its colours on the lunar surface. 

The flag was attached to Beijing's spacecraft Chang'e-5 which is making its way back to Earth with the first lunar samples in decades after taking off from the moon on Thursday. 

Beijing's space authority released the picture of the fabric flag, weighing 0.4 ounces, holding still on the windless lunar surface and evoking memories of the Stars and Stripes which were once the crowning symbol of US supremacy in the space race. 

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WNU Editor: Just wondering why it took so long for China to accomplish this.

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China Becomes The Second Nation To Plant A Flag On The Moon China Becomes The Second Nation To Plant A Flag On The Moon Reviewed by crazy on 6:38 PM Rating: 5

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