Report Says Microwave Radiation 'Most Plausible' Cause Of Diplomats' Ailments In Cuba And China


A report from The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine points to a radio frequency pulse as the "most plausible" cause of the mysterious illness that plagued diplomats and their families in Cuba and China. 

After reviewing the illnesses’ symptoms and possible causes, the committee appointed to review the cases determined that what was observed was “consistent with the effects of directed pulsed radio frequency energy,” the report states. 

While the committee, made up of mostly medical experts, determined a radio frequency (RF) pulse was the most likely cause, they also said that there could have been other causes contributing to the illness and producing additional signs and symptoms. 

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 More News On Report That Say Microwave Radiation Is The 'Most Plausible' Cause Of Diplomats' Ailments In Cuba And China 

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Report Says Microwave Radiation 'Most Plausible' Cause Of Diplomats' Ailments In Cuba And China Report Says Microwave Radiation 'Most Plausible' Cause Of Diplomats' Ailments In Cuba And China Reviewed by crazy on 12:38 PM Rating: 5

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