Incoming Biden Administration Will Release All Available Vaccines And Not Hold Back A Second Dose

CNN: Exclusive: Biden will release all available vaccine doses in break from Trump administration policy of holding back stock for second dose

(CNN)President-elect Joe Biden will aim to release every available dose of the coronavirus vaccine when he takes office, a break with the Trump administration's strategy of holding back half of US vaccine production to ensure second doses are available.

Releasing all vaccine doses on hand could quickly ratchet up the availability of coronavirus vaccines by allowing more people access to a first dose. 

It could also be a risky strategy as both Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna's vaccines require two doses, administered at specific intervals, and vaccine manufacturing has not ramped up as rapidly as many experts had hoped. 

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WNU Editor: Before the Biden announcement WHO was strongly recommending that the second vaccine must be given within 21 to 28 days after the first one .... WHO recommends 2 doses of Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine within 21-28 days (CTV News/Reuters). Today, they are saying something else .... Amid shortages, 2nd dose of Pfizer’s coronavirus vaccine can be delayed: WHO (Global News/AP). 

I live in Quebec, Canada, and this debate started early this week when the decision was made to delay the second vaccine. The following day the vaccine manufacturer Pfizer jumped in and quickly issued a statement that the second vaccine must not be delayed .... Pfizer pushes back after Quebec delays second vaccine doses, says data doesn't exist (CTV News).

So we now have a situation where some governments and the incoming Biden administration are ignoring the science from the manufacturer, and making their own independent decisions. 

This is why people have trouble trusting vaccines, the World Health Organization, and governmental policies when it comes to this pandemic.

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Incoming Biden Administration Will Release All Available Vaccines And Not Hold Back A Second Dose Incoming Biden Administration Will Release All Available Vaccines And Not Hold Back A Second Dose Reviewed by crazy on 9:38 AM Rating: 5

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