Iran, China, And Russia React To The Unrest In The United States

Daily Mail: America's enemies seize on Trump's Capitol chaos: Russia says US democracy is 'limping on both feet' while Iran and China revel in sight of mob storming Capitol 

 * China's state-owned Global Times tweeted images of the chaos in DC 
 * They asked ironically if the destruction was 'a beautiful sight to behold' 
 * Pelosi praised Hong Kong pro-democracy unrest as being beautiful 
 * Russia's state-run RT said the US was getting the 'democracy' it championed 
 * Venezuela 'expressed its concern' over acts of violence in Washington 
 * Turkey's foreign ministry called the events in Washington DC 'worrying'
 * British prime minister Boris Johnson called for a peaceful transition of power 
 * Germany's foreign minister likened scenes to events at the Reichstag in August 
 * Four died as Trump supporters stormed the Capitol on Wednesday 
 * The building was overrun in protest at Congress certifying election for Joe Biden 

America's enemies have taunted Donald Trump today, with Russia stating US democracy is 'limping on both feet', while Iran and China have reveled at the sight of a mob storming the Capitol. 

While the world is yet to hear from Putin or the Kremlin about yesterday's events in Washington DC, senior Russian lawmaker Konstantin Kosachyov made a strong statement about American democracy today. 

In a Facebook post, the chair of the Russian upper house's foreign affairs committee said: 'The losing side has more than enough grounds to accuse the winner of falsifications - it is clear that American democracy is limping on both feet.' 

Read more .... 

WNU Editor: No surprises from Chinese, Russian, and Iranian state media (see above). But among my friends, family, and associates that I know in Russia and China .... they tell me that they do not really care. As to the political reaction from these countries. I am not sure about Iran and China, but I know in Russia the political leadership are more focused on the pandemic than what happened in the US yesterday. Russians are dying from the pandemic .... not from the political unrest in the U.S..

As to my own reaction. In my case I saw from a distance Russian T-80 tanks blast the Russian White House when the Russian Parliament rebelled against Russian President Yeltsin in 1993 (see here). That was painful to watch. Same thing yesterday. I understand why many in the U.S. are deeply unhappy with what has happened in the past four years .... and what they fear will happen in the next few years. But it does not give them the right to break the law and attack the Capital Building yesterday .... or BLM/Antifa attack the White House this summer. If you break the law and commit the crime .... be prepared to serve the time

I have always been consistent on why government buildings should be treated as sacrosanct. You may not like the people who inhabit these governmental buildings, but governmental buildings should always be treated separately from its occupants. If not. Take it from this Russian national. The consequences could/will be felt for generations.

Update: Should President Trump be blamed for yesterday's unrest? This is not the first time that a US political leader is being blamed for violence because of their rhetoric. President Obama's inflammatory racial rhetoric was blamed by many for the death of five Dallas police officers in 2016.  Same thing with US Senator Bernie Sanders' rhetoric that Republicans were killing seniors and the poor being blamed for the 2017 Congressional baseball shooting that severely injured U.S. Congressman Scalise (see here). Political leaders are always under the spotlight 24/7 .... and they sometimes say things that they should not. President Trump. President Obama. US Senator Sanders'. All three should not have said what they said. But they did not advocate for the mayhem and destruction that subsequently occurred. That is why I did not blame President Obama and Senator Sanders' entirely for what happened in 2016 and 2017, and why I will not blame President Trump entirely for what happened yesterday. 

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Iran, China, And Russia React To The Unrest In The United States Iran, China, And Russia React To The Unrest In The United States Reviewed by crazy on 4:38 PM Rating: 5

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