European Union Says China Is Endangering The Peace In The South China Sea

Vessels from a People’s Liberation Army Navy fleet take part in a review in the South China Sea on Apr. 12, 2018. Visual China Group  

CNBC/Reuters: EU blames China for endangering peace in South China Sea 

* The EU last week released a new policy aimed at stepping up its influence in the Indo-Pacific region to counter China’s rising power. 

 * The Philippines on Friday protested to China over its failure to withdraw what it called as “threatening” boats believed to be manned by maritime militia around a disputed reef. 

* China is increasingly worried that Europe and other countries are heeding U.S. President Joe Biden’s call for a “coordinated approach” towards China. 

The European Union called out China on Saturday for endangering peace in the South China Sea and urged all parties to abide by a 2016 tribunal ruling which rejected most of China’s claim to sovereignty in the sea, but which Beijing has rejected. 

The EU last week released a new policy aimed at stepping up its influence in the Indo-Pacific region to counter China’s rising power.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: China is blaming the EU for raising tensions in the South China Sea .... EU should "stop sowing discord" in South China Sea: Chinese spokesperson (CGTN).  

Update: This could easily spread into a conflict that would engulf all of Asia .... US China Sea War Could Spread to Japan, Australia, India (Bloomberg)

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European Union Says China Is Endangering The Peace In The South China Sea European Union Says China Is Endangering The Peace In The South China Sea Reviewed by crazy on 10:38 AM Rating: 5

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