Battle For Control In Afghanistan Worsens. Three Major Cities Now Under Seige


 BBC: Afghanistan: Fighting rages as Taliban besiege three key cities 

Fighting is raging around three major cities in southern and western Afghanistan as Taliban militants seek to seize them from government forces. 

Taliban fighters have entered parts of Herat, Lashkar Gah and Kandahar. 

They have made rapid gains in rural areas since it was announced almost all foreign troops would go by September. 

But the fate of these key cities could be crucial amid fears of a humanitarian crisis and how long government forces will be able to hold out. 

The fundamentalist Islamist militia is already thought to have captured up to half of all Afghanistan's territory, including lucrative border crossings with Iran and Pakistan.  

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WNU Editor: The Taliban are now claiming that they have seized the city of Herat. 

More News On the Afghan War  

Fighting rages for key Afghan cities as Taliban blamed for attack on UN -- National Interest  

Afghanistan’s Herat under pressure amid ongoing Taliban assault -- Al Jazeera  

Key Afghan City in Danger of Falling to the Taliban -- NYT  

Taliban and Afghan forces clash again outside Herat city -- AFP  

Herat residents fear Taliban in their homes and workplaces as it masses outside city -- The Guardian 

Fighting rages in three Afghan cities as Taliban launches sustained assault -- The Independent  

Taliban fighters enter provincial capital, clash with Afghan forces -- Jerusalem Post/Reuters

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Battle For Control In Afghanistan Worsens. Three Major Cities Now Under Seige Battle For Control In Afghanistan Worsens. Three Major Cities Now Under Seige Reviewed by crazy on 7:56 PM Rating: 5

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